
Runescape Gold in your dream

Runescape Tip example, let's say you want to sell 1000 Runescape Gold. You go to World 1 Varrock (best place to sell stackables) and peddle your Runescape wares. You know that lobsters go from 200-300 gc in those numbers RS Gold... but exactly what should your sale price be?

The answer is simply a good price. Ridiculously overcharging isn't exactly dishonest (unless you tell the other person it's fair) but you shouldn't expect to get a lot of customers. Even if you do, those customers will eventually discover their mistake, think you scammed them and will never buy from you again. Isn't this an important Runescape Tip?

Another Runescape Tip example: Charging 245 a lobster in this case is a great idea. It's cheaper than the price ceiling but still enough so that you can make a profit. You're actually doing your Runescape buyers a favor because most players sell at 260-300 per lobster. You'll make the money back in the long run because you'll get repeat customers - one of the most important concepts involved in making Runescape gold.

No. If your Runescape friend hasn't asked you for much in the past and you've known him for a while, just give him the nature runes. Disregarding the fact that it's a "nice" thing to do, your friend will also subconsciously feel obligated to you. Your Runescape friend might even offer to pay you on the spot... in which case you get his goodwill and his money.

Third Runescape Tip: let's say a good RuneScape friend of yours needs 100 nature runes for alchemy. You aren't a mage and don't need them, but you happen to have a hundred from fighting hobgoblins or something. What should you do? Ask for 10,000 - the fair price?

Basically, you can lie and cheat and steal all you want while playing Runescape... no one really cares. Dishonesty might give you a quick short term benefit but believe me it will always catch up with you laterto get tera gold. So to win big in Runescape set sincere prices, help people today out, and you'll be rewarded time after time.

